Saturday, 11 July 2009

‘This above all else: to thine own self be true’ – Hamlet… other words Shakespeare says 'look like your actors headshot'.

This is perhaps one of the most crucial aspects of your actors headshot. It has to be a true representation of you. There is no point in sending out a shot that no longer looks like you for instance; if your hair was blonde and long but is now black and short. Equally so for the guys, if for some strange reason you had your shot taken with a beard and then decided you’d shave it off – well you really need a new headshot.

The first thing a casting director or agent wants in a headshot is a true likeness. Imagine traveling for a couple of hours for a big audition waiting in line and getting yourself all psyched-up for big moment and when you walk in you see the look of confusion on the casting directors face, the last thing you want to hear from them is ‘ where’s the person in the picture’?

So let’s make it clear you have to look like your picture, it’s no good guys if you’re going a bit thin on top ( like me ) and you ask the photographerto retouch the hair line a bit, just as it’s no good ladies getting your lines of life ( wrinkles ) retouched out because they may just say to you “ where’s you’re younger sister, we wanted the one in the photo’?

I once had a lady who only wanted to be photographed dead straight on as she didn’t want anyone to see that she had a bigger than normal nose. After a bit of cajoling and persuading from me she eventually agreed to my suggestions and got a great actors headshot. Six weeks later she landed a great character role in London's West End and has since gone on from strength to strength.

The moral of the story, don’t shy away from the fact that some of your facial features may not be perfect – hey none of us are! There may be the perfect role for you just around the corner.

So remember the Great Bards words from Hamlet…
……"to thine own self be true”

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